Friday, November 14, 2008

Melody's mind control

there's this girl named melody and she's driving me nutts!
first offf.
i went out with a guy named Zach.
he didn't want to go out with me but his best friend Seth convinced him to ask me out.
Zach and i were out for about 8 moths, and every one in the whole school thought we were the cutest couple ever!!
so did I.. at the time.
then i started having second thoughts about him.
i somewhat fell into a black abiss of love for Seth.
Thats when i started to feel like a whore.
i kinda sorta flirted with seth and i think zach started to notice.
the things i liked about zach were reallllly starting to get on my nerves and he bugged the crap out of me from then on.
then there was Halloween.
i invited Seth and Zach to my halloween party and evidently if i wouldn't have invited zach he wouldve broken up with me.
wich wouldn't have sucked at all...
but noooo, i just had to invite him.
the truth is....
i think i'm in love with seth or something.
but ne-ways, i broke up with zach on wednesday and i had promised him b4 that i would say it to is face but i itched out and had my bff do it for me.her name is mariah, and if i didn' have her, i don't believe i could keep my sanity:]
But ne-ways
i broke up with zach after dating him for about 9 and a half months.
seth started acting like we would be best friends or someting and started asking me if i was mad at him or something..
witch i wasn't but ne-ways i broke up with him..
mariah's likes seth...
so she was starting to make friends with melody and now mariah tells melody that she likes seth buches and melody asks seth if he ould want to go out with mariah. not if he will but if he would want to.
but mariah has a boyfriend named chance and she like him alot too.
so melody...
like always stared to like seth and tells mariah the she wants to kiss seth.
if you ask me... that's a little mean.
so now mariah is oober mad at melody.. and raven{my other friend} and i are mad at melody because we cant believe she actually would do that to mariahandn now melody likes Levi{raven and mariah's crush} and raven, mariah, and i think melody just came to be our friend because she did what she's doing to us right now to all of her past friends and now everyone hates her except for Seth.
i feel horrible for seth because he's gonna get hurt if he goes out with melody because she acually has another boyfriend at the moment, which she has already cheated on with this awesome kid named Daltin.
So basicly, melody is a liar, a cheater, a hoe bag, and just a plain mean person.

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